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PS5 Gains External Storage, But “HDMI Link” Disappoints

Good news, PlayStation gamers! Sony just released an update for your PS5 that lets you store games on external drives – finally! But that’s not all! Sneaking in with this update are a few bonus features you might find handy:

Say goodbye to fiddling with HDR: You can now set HDR to automatically deactivate when you don’t need it. No more messing around in the settings every time!

Smoother power control: There’s a new “HDMI Link” setting that basically lets your PS5 and TV talk to each other. Turn on your PS5 and your TV can automatically switch to the right input and power on (and vice versa when you turn off the TV). No more hunting for the remote to switch everything on and off!

This update is all about making your PlayStation experience a little more convenient. Now you can store more games, manage HDR settings easily, and control your power settings with a touch.

Okay, so how do you use these fancy new features? Head to your settings, open System, and then dive into the HDMI submenu. There you’ll find:

Automatic HDR deactivation: This lets you say goodbye to fiddling with HDR settings – it can now turn off automatically when you don’t need it!

One-Touch Play: This sounds amazing! Basically, your PS5 and TV can chat with each other. Turn on your PS5 and your TV can automatically switch to the right input and power on (and vice versa when you turn off the TV). No more hunting for the remote to switch stuff on and off!

Here’s the catch: It seems a bit hit or miss right now.

I tried it out on a couple of TVs, and…nada. My PS5 stayed stubbornly on when I turned off the TV, and wouldn’t turn on or switch the TV input itself. Same story for a few of my colleagues who tested it on different setups. It seems to work for some people, though (like on a Sony Bravia TV), but it’s unclear why it doesn’t work for others. We reached out to Sony for an explanation, but haven’t heard back yet.

One-Touch Play has the potential to be awesome, but for now, it seems to be a bit of a gamble depending on your TV setup. Hopefully Sony can clear things up soon!

Here’s the PS5 update in a nutshell, for gamers on the go:

Finally! External Storage for PS5 Games!

The wait is over! You can now store your PS5 games on an external USB drive. Just head to “Games and Apps” and look for the new “Move PS5 Games” section. Moving games works the same way as PS4 games – just pick what you want to move and hit “go.”

There’s a But…

You can’t actually play PS5 games directly from the external drive. They gotta be on the console’s super-fast internal storage to run. But here’s the good news: transferring games back to the console is faster than downloading them all over again. This is a lifesaver for folks with slow internet or data caps!

Still No Shortcut to Power Down

The wait continues for a way to turn off your PS5 by holding the PS Button on your controller. Maybe next update!

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